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Our Services ────

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What We Do

Lawn Mowing

Lawn maintenance is more then just mowing the grass, what we offer is so much more than that.

As of right now what we do offer for lawn maintenance.

Mowing / Trimming

Roto Raking

Hegde Trimming


Leaf / Garbage Removal

Basic Tree Trimming (low hanging branches)

We are always learning new things and added services. If you need something specific done that's not listed just ask. 

Dog Waste Removal

Compare our service packages and find the best fit for you.

Spring Clean up: A one time clean up of all dog waste once the snow melts. 1 dog - $125, 2 dogs - $150 and 3 dogs - $175

Weekly Service

3+ Dogs

Starting as low as $90.00

Per Month

1x weekly - $90.00

2x weekly - $115.00

3x weekly - $135.00

*based on 4 week months*

Weekly Service

1 & 2 Dogs

Starting as low as $65.00

Per Month

1 Dog 1x weekly - $65.00

2 Dogs 1x weekly - $80.00

1 Dog 2x weekly - $90.00

2 Dogs 2x weekly - $105.00

1 Dog 3x weekly - $110.00

2 Dogs 3x weekly - $125.00

*Based of 4 week months*

Daily Service

Starting as low as $3.75​

Per Day

1 Dog - $3.75 / day

2 Dogs - $4.25 / day

3+ Dogs - $4.75 / day

*minimum 30 days consecutive*


Snow Removal

Stay out of the cold and have us do the work for you, we offer snow removal to smaller lots at the moment. Call us to find out how we can help.


Quality Affordable Lawn Care.

We are locally owned and operated company

Tel: (780) 517-4092 

© 2019 Fresh Cut

Edson, Alberta

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